Use this table to find out how to convert basic Auger tags to slurm options. There is no convertion from INPUT/OUTPUT related Auger tags to slurm option. For production jobs we recommend using swif2, which provides the job flow management, job grouping and many more advanced functions.
Swif2 is a software system developed at Jefferson Lab that aims to help users schedule, run, and track computation jobs on batch systems both locally and at remote sites.
Similar to Auger, the best way to submit a simple job (without any input/output from/to tape library) to the farm is using slurm command with a batch option file.
First creating a batch option file that specify options your job(s) needs, then log on any ifarm node, run sbatch with batch option file as argument.
ifarml901>sbatch <batch-option-file>
To submit a job to the farm you need to create a configuration script that describes your job(s). There are two different formats for the configuration file. The first is a flat file format (TXT) which has been supported for years. The second format is an XML based format, which allows some additional description.