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jvolatile - query the volatile disk project information


    jvolatile info project --- get the detailed information of a volatile project specified by project name.
    jvolatile used project --- get the used space of a volatile project specified by project name.
    jvolatile quota project --- get the quota of a volatile project specified by project name.
    jvolatile reserved project --- get the reserved of a volatile project specified by project name.                                   


This command is used to query the information of volatile disks. It is installed under /site/bin. The return format will be xml or simple text depends on the operation type specified in the arguments.



First parameter is the type of the jvolatile operation. it will be one of these text: 'info', 'used', 'quota', or 'reserved'. Use 'info' to get a detailed information of specified project in xml format. Other operations will only return the number and unit.


A volatile disk project name.


  1. get detailed information of a specified project:
    jvolatile info hallc
    <project><name>hallc</name><root>/volatile/hallc</root><quota unit='GB'>40000</quota>
    <reserved unit='GB'>25000</reserved><used unit='GB'>32152</used></project> 
  2. get used space of a specified project
    jvolatile quota clasg12
    10000 GB