User can submit slurm job using swif2 with the old jsub scrip. Give add-jsub as first argument and -script option with old jsub-script. Please notice the default workflow for add-jsub is auger, add "-workflow workflow-name" to set the specified workflow name. Check this swif2 add-jsub document page for detailed information.> /site/bin/swif2 add-jsub -script one-jsub
Created workflow "auger".
Added 1 job.
To check a workflow jobs status, using swif2 status <workflow-name>. Scicomp swif2 page is another way to check the active swif2 job status.> swif2 status auger -jobs -display json | jq
"jobs": [
"job_id": 270557,
"job_name": "test-swif2",
"workflow_name": "auger",
"workflow_user": "xxx",
"job_status": "attempting",
"job_attempt_status": "problem",
"job_attempt_problem": "SITE_LAUNCH_FAIL",
"site_job_exclusive": false
"job_id": 270559,
Use swif2 show-job <job-id> to get the status of a given job.> swif2 show-job -jid 270567
job_id = 270567
job_name = test-swif2
workflow_name = auger
workflow_user = ychen
job_status = attempting
job_attempt_status = ready
site_job_exclusive = false