srmLs - list file properties (cacheManager related meta data)
srmLs cache_path1 cache_path2 cache_path3 .... srmLs [options] cache_directory_path
If no argument is given, lists all larger files on tape but not on disk, owned by this user. Otherwise lists files in a given directory.
cache_path: The full path of a file on cache disk, it should start /cache/... Wild cards in the file name are supported . When using a wild card, path must be quoted and add backslash \ before * and the wild card must in the file name and not in the path directory.
[-h] or [--help] - to display the usage and exit.
[-l] - to show long list including group and modification time.
[--cache] - to list only the files in the cache
[--ncache] - to list only the file not in the cache
[--silo] - to list only the file on tape
[--nsilo] - to list only the file not on tape
[--pin] - to list only the file pinned
[--unpin] - to list only the file not on tape
Options [--cache], [--ncache],[--silo], [--nsilo], [--pin], [--unpin] can be used together. Any combination of the options is equivalent to an "AND" operation. For examples, with [--ncache] and [--silo] options only the files on tape and not on disk will be listed. A file larger than 2MB is defined as a large file, files smaller than 2MB will not be backed up to the tape system and are not reported by the srmLs utility.
%srmLs - print the summary information of the files owned by this user.
%srmLs /cache/LHPC/NF0/aniso/test/foo - print specified file properties, such as pin count, space type, size, etc.
%srmLs --silo /cache/LHPC/NF0/aniso/test - print the file which in tape system
%srmLs --cache --nsilo /cache/LHPC/NF0/aniso/test - print the file which in cache disk but not in silo.