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Obtaining a user account

Who can use the LQCD / HPC clusters?
Anyone who is a part of the USQCD collaboration or the Lattice QCD SciDAC project may have an account.  JLab users not associated with LQCD may also have small allocations. Large allocations of time are allocated annually by the LQCD Scientific Advisory Committee (see for more details about this collaboration). Small allocations may be requested from the Scientific Computing manager, Chip Watson. (Technical details: Anyone that has a valid Jefferson Lab user account and is in the unix
group and corresponding netgroup "lattice" or "hpcusers" can use the LQCD / HPC clusters.)

Step 1. User registration
To get a JLab user account, each new user must fill out the Access Registration Form. This is not a computer account form, but rather records the "users" of the lab facilities. Be sure to fill out (and remember) the emergency contact information requested - the information will be used for identification later. .

Step 2. Submit ID
Identification information (a valid driver's license or passport/visa for US citizens, foreign passport with immigration documents for non-US citizens) must be sent to

Step 3. Sponsor Approval
Your sponsor will approve your registration form, and you will be entered into the system.  Once you are registered you can find yourself in the JLab directory. You should see an email account appear as a part of your entry. Your
account name is at the beginning of the address. To get the password for
the account, you need to contact the Computing Center Help Desk at
757-269-7155 on usual workdays, between 8am to 4pm eastern time. The
emergency contact information given in the User Registration form will
be used to identify you. They will give you a temporary password which
you must immediately change. NOTE: email from the lab will be sent to
your registered Jlab email address.  Information regarding this process is at the following link:

Step 4. Security Awareness Training
Complete the GEN034U training at

Step 5. Completing your HPC account setup
At this point, you have an account. However, you still need a home directory on the LQCD / HPC machines (they don't share home directories with the rest of the JLab computer systems). Email your sponsor once you have a password, and they will create your HPC home directory and respond to you. Note that your user account must belong to either the lattice or hpcusers group, and also to your project's group, for access and appropriate permissions.

Step 6. Logging in
From onsite, you can now log into qcdi (qcd interactive).  From offsite, you will need to first login to the gateway node,, and then into qcdi.  Additional details are available in subsequent sections.