The LQCD / HPC systems have multiple interactive nodes configured with different hardware, and are best accessed via appropriate alias names:
qcdi -- alias for all interactive nodes (useful for general cluster development)
qcdkmi -- alias for a machine containing a Kepler node
qcd12k01 - hostname for a machine containing a Kepler (2012) CentOS 6.9
qcdi1401 -- hostname for a Haswell (2014) CentOS 7.2 system
qcdi1402 -- hostname for a Haswell (2014) CentOS 7.2 system
To request an interactive node in the cluster, use "qsub -I" (capital i).
The Kepler/nodes are 16 core machines with 128 GB memory.
These interactive machines are not accessible from offsite; you will first need to login to Similarly, the interactive nodes can't reach offsite nodes.
For remote file transfers, see Transfering files.