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Start releasing jobs to the batch system as appropriate.

Usage: run -workflow W [options]
Once a workflow is running, its jobs will be released to the batch system as
swif determines appropriate.  You can limit the amount of work being done by
specifying a maximum number of jobs and/or a maximum phase number for jobs.
Once the lesser of these limits (if specified) is reached, the workflow will
be suspended.

Job Limit: -joblimit numjobs
Specify that at most <numjobs> should be run before suspending the workflow.
You can specify 'none' to disable job limiting.

Phase Limit: -phaselimit phasenum
Specify that jobs should only be released if they belong to a phase less than
or equal to <phasenum>.  You can specify 'none' to disable phase limiting.

Error Limit: -errorlimit errornum
Specify that jobs should only be released while the number of errors is less
than or equal to <errornum>.  You can specify 'none' to continue dispatching
jobs regardless of outstanding errors.