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Command-Line Overview
Tue, 05/02/2017 - 09:53 — larrieu
Usage: swif command [-workflow W] [options] [args]
This is the main entry point to the swif client commands. Specify <command>
with options and arguments as appropriate to operate upon workflow W. The
workflow must be specified via the -workflow flag or via the environement
variable $SWIF_WORKFLOW. In case both are specified, the command-line
overrides environment.
Some commands are intended for use only within a running job (e.g. 'outfile').
These do not require specifying a workflow name, since that is derived from
the runtime environment.
Similarly, commands that operate on all of a user's workflows (e.g. 'list')
do not require that you specify a workflow name.
Common Options
-help [<command>] Display this message or, if specified before a valid
command name, information pertinent to that command.
-workflow <W> Specify workflow W as the target.
-user <U> Operate as user U. Read-only access for non-privileged
Valid Commands
abandon-jobs Fail problem jobs, cancel pending ones.
add-job Add a job to an existing workflow.
add-jsub Add jobs to workflow via Auger submission script.
cancel End all work.
create Create a new workflow.
export Dump workflow configuration.
freeze Prevent further user modifications to workflow.
import Create a new workflow from configuration file.
list Display all of your workflows.
modify-jobs Change some job parameters.
outfile * Add an expected output file.
pause Stop adding new work to batch system.
retry-jobs Resubmit problem jobs.
run Allow jobs to be released to batch system.
show-job Display information about specified job.
status Display information about the state of the workflow.
tag-job Set or remove key value pairs for a job.
unfreeze Allow further user modifications to workflow.
* Only available within a running job