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Wide Area Networking

Jefferson Lab has a 10g wide area networking connection to a MAN (metropolitan area network) with a 10g connection up to ESnet in Washington D.C. and a redundant 10g connection to ESnet in Atlanta.  JLab can reasonably use 5 Gbps of this, and Scientific Computing can reasonably use 4 Gpbs.  Thus each of CLAS, GlueX, A+C+misc, and LQCD can on average use 1 Gbps, although may on occasion find they can sustain 5-6 Gbps.

It would be feasible to keep both of the 10g active at once for a higher bandwidth charge by our ISP, by lighting up an additional wavelength on the MAN.  If this were done, Scientific Computing could reasonably expect to use 8-12 Gbps (a 2x-3x increase).  Upgrading to 40 Gbps or 100 Gbps is not in the near time frame.  For this year, 4 Gbps delivers more than enough bandwidth to import a limited amount of off-site simulation data, and to export "cooked" data. 

Scientific Computing provides two gateway nodes for wide area network access to the file systems, aliased as, is the preferred gateway for all LQCD - HPC and Experimental Physics users, as it provides 10 gigabit network access.  It is accessible via Globus Online and ssh, and provides access to /work, /cache, /volatile filesystems rooted under

  • /globus/qcd/ for LQCD - HPC
  • /globus/expphy/ for Experimental Physics

If you wish to use Globus Online to transfer files you first need to create an account at (remember not to re-use your Jefferson Lab password).  Then find your data at the endpoint named jlab#scifiles, with filesystems rooted under /qcd/ or /expphy/ as appropriate.  When you specify the Jefferson Lab endpoint in a transfer request, you will be prompted to activate it.  To do so, supply your Jefferson Lab user name and password.  Once activated, you can conduct transfers mediated by Globus Online to and from the lab without having to re-authenticate for 24 hours. is no longer supported, in favor of Globus Online. In the past, it provided bbftp access to Experimental Physics filesystems via gigabit networking.