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Running multi-threaded code

Here are examples of how to specify number of CPU for the job.

  • Submitting a one CPU Job

This is how you can request one CPU to run the job. Or use the default value of one (when no CPU tag is specified).

PROJECT: MyProject
TRACK: MyTrack
CPU: 1
COMMAND: ls -alF > file.out
PROJECT: MyProject
TRACK: MyTrack
COMMAND: ls -alF > file.out
  • Submitting multi-thread Job

This is how you can request more than one CPU core to run the job (using
CPU tag to request number of core).

PROJECT: MyProject
TRACK: MyTrack
CPU: 4
COMMAND: ls -alF > file.out

The XML version of this script looks like:

  <Email email="" request="false" job="true"/>
  <Project name="MyProject"/>
  <Track name="MyTrack"/>
  <Name name="MyJob"/>
  <CPU core="4"/>
    ls -alF > file.out