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Slurm User Commands
Tue, 10/15/2019 - 11:02 — chen
Basic Slurm commands:
- sbatch - Submit a batch script to Slurm.
- squeue - View information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue.
- scancel - Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm.
- scontrol - View or modify Slurm job state.
- sinfo - View information about Slurm nodes and partitions.
Convenient Slurm commands:
Information about Jobs:
- sbatch --test-only (Verify job script and check when your job is estimated to run)
- squeue -u <user> (List all current jobs for a user)
- squeue -u <user> -t RUNNING (List all running jobs for a user)
- squeue -u <user> -t PENDING (List all pending jobs for a user)
- squeue -u <user> -p <production> (List all jobs for a user in the partition of production)
- squeue -u <user> --start (List all jobs estimated job start time for a user)
- scontrol show jobid -dd <jobid> (List detailed information for a job with specified jobid)
Controlling Jobs:
- scancel <jobid1>,<jobid1> (Delete your own jobs with jobid)
- scancel -t PENDING -u <user> (Cancel all pending jobs for a user)
- scancel --name jobname (Cancel one or more jobs by name)
- scontrol hold <jobid> (Hold the job of jobid being scheduled)
- scontrol release <jobid> (Release a held job to be scheduled)
- scontrol requeue <jobid) (Cancel and rerun a job)