swif2 create

Create a new empty workflow.


swif2 create <workflow> [options]

Create a new workflow named <workflow>, which will be owned by the user specified via the caller's scientific computing certificate.

You may specify site parameters to direct job attempts to somewhere other than the default site. The command swif2 show-sites will display available sites. You may specify any of these as the site to use, and can override individual parameters (e.g. site_path) by specifying their corresponding flags on the command line (e.g. -site-path); the resulting configuration will then be availble for future use, as well. If a user-specific configuration already exists for site_name, then you must specify a new name via the -site-moniker flag. Note that you may only override parameters for non-local sites.


Flag Value Comment
-workflow workflow name Must be unique per-user.
-max-concurrent positive, non-zero integer Maximum number of jobs that can be dispatched and unreaped at any point. The default is 500.
-max-problems positive, non-zero integer Maximum number of jobs that can be in an unresolved problem state before new jobs stop being dispatched. Default is no limit.
-site-name site name Site where this workflow's job attempts will run.
-site-login-user user name Login user name used for connecting to the compute site.
-site-login-host host name or ip address Machine used for connecting to the compute site.
-site-path directory path Top level directory for swif at compute site.
-site-globus-endpoint uuid Globus endpoint uuid for accessing compute site.
-site-path-external directory path Top level directory for swif at compute site, as seen externally via globus. Not necessary if internal and external paths are the same.
-site-moniker new site name Provide a new name for the site configuration resulting from applying parameters to override configuration for site specified via site-name